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Going home after a difficult shift is sometimes the hardest thing for first responders to do. Being the ones at home are equally hard.
HUGS@Home empowers family members and friends of first responders to provide social support by raising awareness and teaching practical stress management skills. Training first responder’s loved ones in the elements of ‘HUGS‘: Hearing, Understanding, Guiding, and Supporting can help reduce the impact of what first responders take ‘Home’ and enhance the wellbeing of first responders and their loved ones.
Latest news
It was great to join our 1st responder family and friends yesterday at the @PHECC Research Conference. Busy…
Dublin Fire Brigade Recruit Family Night
It was great to be invited home to our @DubFireBrigade family yesterday evening for their brilliant recruit family…
HUGSatHOME at the RCSI are thrilled to receive a new grant from #MotorolaSolutionsFoundation! Thank you, @MSIFoundation, for…
Meet the team
The team behind HUGS@Home comprises both those with experience in the emergency services and healthcare research.